
I consider that human beings are very good at making connections with others. It is as if there is an implant in our psychic make-up that intuitively guides us to connect.

The most interesting part about the inbuilt need of humans to socialise and communicate is that we are not all the same in our want to connect. Some of us are happy with our own company, some of us thrive on being with others and some of us are a bit of both.

We all get something we want and need through connections our way!

Best of all we learn tolerence and acceptance. Difference is colourful! It is what makes the world go round!

For me personally, I like my own space as well as company of others. I love the experience of connecting with others- there are always new people to meet. Sometimes the connection is brief and at other times the connections to others is longer term. Sometimes the connectedness does not end.

However long it is, there is always something to learn from others and something I give to others.

I value the good friendships that have grown from my connections with others. It is one of the big plusses as I travel along on this current incarnated life.

I am very much reminded me of the teachings of the Universal Law of Oneness – we are all connected in this universe no matter where we happen to be.

I love this concept!

Nothing beats the fun, the laugher and the shared experiences with others as we journey along this wondrous life of ours.

Connecting is a strong driving force inside me!


  1. Bill Bennett · June 4, 2017

    Lovely thoughts here Angie – and a great photo about connections! Love from Bill & Jen


    • Angela Mitchell · June 5, 2017

      Thank you Bill and Jen, I really love the connections/ and good riendships I have made in my travels.


  2. lyndalozner · June 5, 2017

    Anxiously awaiting our connect up in September.


  3. Angela Mitchell · June 5, 2017

    Oh my gosh Lynda, it will be so good to connect with you face to face. I feel like I already know you so well already. I know that we will have lots of fun. Hugs Angie x


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